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We're officially homeless! New (old) beach house tour before the renovation begins| Dirt & Glitter
Demo Day #1 of the new (old) beach house. You won't believe what we found | Dirt & Glitter
Update weeks 9-18 and the kitchen BIG reveal. Before & After's| Dirt and Glitter
1 month in, our small reno turns into a whole house total gut | Dirt & Glitter
Karen Tries To Steal My Package Then Gets INSTANT KARMA
He finds Real Life Mermaid... Then This Happens..
Progress after 1 week of demolition and design changes | Dirt & Glitter
Update week 8. The rebuild is beginning to take shape | Dirt and Glitter
Downsizing week 3.5. The beach house has dirty little secrets| Dirt and Glitter
RICH VS POOR TOTAL DOLL’S MAKEOVER || Dreams Come True💖 Tiny Crafts vs Expensive Gadgets by 123 GO!
From Nerd to Beauty Bride! Dolls Comes To Life! Extreme Makeover with Gadgets from TikTok
Update Week 6. Whole house plumbing tear-out, it's UGLY| Dirt and Glitter